Stickers in Telegram have long evolved from ordinary pictures that help to Express their emotions, in a special language of communication. Sending the right sticker to the chat in time is an art. Not infrequently correspondence does without words, if both parties have downloaded enough stickers to Express the whole range of emotions. If your collection does not always allow to be fully armed, it is urgently necessary to expand. There are several ways to add stickers to Telegrams, let's analyze them all.
Download from
The Internet is full of sites with stickers, but the most complete collection, which is updated every day, only on our website. We wrote a small instruction on how to add them to your messenger.
- to start go to the link in the stickers section, Select your favorite sticker and click install.
- next, you will see a confirmation for the installation, and the number of images in this set will be displayed.
- all your stickers are ready, their title image will be shown at the bottom of the chat window. You can move between sets by scrolling left and right.
Copy from chat
Consider another method. Let's say someone from your friends sent you a sticker and you want to add this set to yourself. Click on this sticker and select "add stickers"in the window that appears. Sticker pack added.
This method works on all phones with Android, iPone and computer.
Select from top
In Telegram already have several sets that can be installed directly from the messenger, a kind of top 20 sets. In order to find it go to the stickers and depending on the operating system, find the icon as in the screenshot (left Android, right iPhone).
On the computer there is a similar top, look at the screenshot, it should help to find it.
But do not look for stickers there close in spirit to the Russian man, this top is rather world. If there are signs, in English only, and about our memasuki there and is never heard of.